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How to Choose the Perfect CBD Vape Oil

Posted by Lewis Olden on
How to Choose the Perfect CBD Vape Oil

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Vaping is an ever growing and one of the most popular manners in which to consume CBD. With such an array of products on the market it can often be extraordinarily difficult to select the best CBD vape oil on the market. It is crucial to understand what CBD oils are suitable for vaping and how to verify the quality of the oils. 

What is CBD?

CBD is short for cannabidiol and it is a naturally occurring cannabinoid that is contained within hemp. Hemp is a specific kind of cannabis plant, often with lower levels of THC. Cannabidiol is known for its many therapeutic benefits and CBD has been growing rapidly in popularity in the UK in recent years. CBD oil has an array of potential benefits and can be used to relieve symptoms such as inflammation, pain, depression, anxiety, epilepsy and insomnia. CBD can be infused into a variety of different products that include CBD patches, CBD oils, CBD spraystopical CBD skin care products and CBD capsules.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD oil is traditionally used as a tincture oil that is dropped under the tongue. CBD oil often uses MCT oil that is derived from coconuts as the carrier oil. There is a very important distinction to make between CBD oil and CBD Vape oil that is formulated for inhalation. CBD oral tinctures are typically oil based but CBD vape oil is not. There are a variety of CBD oils that are suitable for vaping.

CBD Vape Oil, a more appropriate name for this would be CBD distillate. These CBD distillate vape oils are often made with food grade ingredients so that they can be taken orally, but they are extremely different to tincture oils. If the oil contains anything other than PG, CBD, VG or terpenes and cannabinoids, it is then likely to be unsuitable for inhalation.  

CBD cartridges are often seen as an option. They are similar to THC oil cartridges and they are slim and disposable e-cigarettes that are filled with CBD e-juice. These devices are similar in nature to popular products such as the JUUL.

What Dosage is Right for Vaping CBD?

There is no universal dosage for CBD and the dosage that will work for you depends on many different factors. These include the symptoms that are being treated, body weight and mass and how tolerant your body is of CBD. Everyone’s metabolism and endocannabinoid system operate in slightly different manners and this means that CBD can have a unique effect on every individual. 

A CBD vape cartridge containing around 100mg of CBD delivers approximately 1-3mg CBD with each puff. If you are using a CBD vape pen you are likely to be taking in more CBD with every puff. 

The optimal way to discover your ideal dosage is to start low and then work your way up. Begin with a dose of around 1-2mg of CBD and then wait 5 or 6 hours until your next dose. Once you find a dosage that provides beneficial effects, it is best to then stick to this dose.

The average user of CBD takes about 25-50mg of CBD each day. For severe conditions such as chronic pain or inflammation, 200-1000mg of CBD may be required.

What are the Side Effects of Vaping CBD?

The professional and scientific research into the side effects of CBD remains in its nascent stage. Some studies have discovered that there are some prospective side effects of vaping CBD. The most commonly reported side effect of vaping CBD is mild drowsiness. This is particularly common with first time users but is likely to subside upon more regular use. 

The drowsiness that CBD can bring upon users is often caused by higher doses of CBD and lower doses can even have the opposite effect. The other side effects that have been reported when investigating CBD are euphoria, red eyes and increased appetite. Compared to the vast amount of prescription drugs, the side effects of CBD are minimal.

A study into the safety and efficacy of CBD can be found here.

Does Vaping CBD Oil Get You High?

Vaping CBD will not get you high. It is THC that causes people to get high when they consume cannabis derived products. In the UK all CBD products must contain less than 0.2% THC meaning that all products on the UK market will not have enough THC in them to get you high. You can also purchase CBD vapes that are formulated using broad-spectrum CBD to ensure that there is absolutely no THC in the product. This is especially helpful if you are concerned about being drug tested at work or for competition. 

CBD is known to moderate the high that THC produces by preventing the body from entirely breaking down the THC. Therefore, if you ever do get too high, CBD can be a perfect remedy to reduce your anxiety and can reduce the level of paranoia that THC can induce.

Are CBD Vapes Legal?

CBD made from hemp is not criminalised in the UK. All CBD vapes that have a THC content below 0.2% THC are deemed to be legal in the UK. 

Can You Overdose on CBD? 

A study carried out in 2016 found that there has never been a known, documented case of a human fatality attributable to an overdose of marijuana, hemp, cannabis or any of its components. It also states that no experimental LD50 is able to be attributed to a toxic or lethal overdose on cannabis.

CBD is low in toxicity and it is highly unlikely that any human will ever consume enough CBD to induce lethal consequences.

Which CBD Vape is the Best?

Cannacares has elected to sell the VapePod Device, which is the world's first medical grade CBD vape pen and specially formulated CBD vape cartridges that have been created in cohesion with Kanabo Research. Kanabo research are a cannabis company that are widely respected around the world and produce products of the highest calibre. The Cannacares Dream and Relief formulations are unique and enhance the desired effect to a much more significant extent to many other vapes on the market.

The Cannacares CBD vape cartridges are a truly outstanding product and have the capacity to have untold benefits for those looking to relieve symptoms or simply just need to get a better night’s sleep.


We hope you enjoyed this article! Please use code BLOG15 at checkout to claim 15% off your order. If you would like to speak with a member of staff please do drop us a message via our live chat which can be round on the left hand side of your screen. 

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