Who is
Cannacares is an over-the-counter Pharmaceutical Grade Cannabis company that works closely with the best Bio-Pharma Companies around the World, with the goal to eventually be a one-stop-shop for Medical Cannabis in the UK.




Here for you

We Value You and your Healthcare, Self-care Journey.
Cannacares began as a way to support people to take control of their health and self-care. In 2018, our founder Isaac saw the developments happening within the global Medical Cannabis industry: providing scientifically proven, sustainable and natural alternatives to confusing and secretive pharmaceutical treatments currently provided. In 2019, Isaac set out to create a cannabis brand with integrity that would eventually grow, as legislation allowed, to give people access to the full natural powers of cannabis.
This started with CBD. He wanted to create a way for people to access this natural treatment directly; with all the insight and information they need to have power over their own wellness.
The idea was simple: a trusted brand, loved by its customers, which would provide freedom to the best cannabis products, powered by science and nature. In building a brand with integrity, he would be able to provide people with the best over-the-counter cannabis treatments as legal and medical advancements took place.
Although a lot has changed at Cannacares since Isaac first started, our values remain the same. We work with the top innovators in the Biotech and Medical Cannabis world to bring a wide range of products straight to consumers. We’ve spoken with scientists and chemists on the cutting edge of cannabinoid research, to ensure we have the best delivery methods available (from sublingual wafers to transdermal patches). We’ve partnered with some of the biggest innovators in the biopharmaceutical world to provide effective and targeted products, all whilst keeping them at an affordable and accessible price.
Adopt the Pace of Nature, Her Secret is Patience
Our Core Values:
- To support the consumer to take control of their health and wellness
- To provide a range of affordable options for our customers
- To provide the newest innovations within the medical cannabis world directly to those who need it
- To work with some of the best minds in cannabinoid research to ensure we are always at the forefront of new advancements
- To provide clear and transparent information about CBD and medical cannabis

CBD is short hand for cannabidiol, which is one of over one hundred cannabinoids that are found within the cannabis plant. CBD is growing in popularity and there is substantial research that suggests that CBD can provide significant health benefits for those who use it daily over an extended period of time.