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F E A T U R E D  B L O G  P O S T

Explained: The Various Types of Transdermal Patches and Which is Best for CBD

Transdermal patches are becoming increasingly popular in the medical industry, and the same is true for the world of cannabidiol (CBD) products. CBD patches are an effective way to deliver the compound directly into the body, and provide a range of benefits compared to other methods of administration.

Different types of transdermal patches exist, each with their own unique advantages and disadvantages. In this article, we’ll explain the different types of transdermal patches and why the multilaminate patch is best for CBD.

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F E A T U R E D  B L O G  P O S T

Chaitanya Gangavarapu

MSc Chemical Engineering

Chaitanya completed his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering at R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering and completed his Master’s in Chemical Engineering at Teesside University.

Prior to joining Cannacares, he acquired prior experience in Divis Laboratories in India, at an API plant. Here he looked after the production GMP alongside health and safety. He also gained experience at Quorn foods, working on production lines before moving to fuel testing laboratory VISWA as a quality lab technician. Following this, Chaitanya worked at Univar Solutions as a material safety data analyst.

His key area of expertise lies in understanding and managing production, maintaining quality health and safety and following or writing SOPs.

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Vamsi Krishna

MSc Chemical Engineering

Chaitanya completed his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering at R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering and completed his Master’s in Chemical Engineering at Teesside University.

Prior to joining Cannacares, he acquired prior experience in Divis Laboratories in India, at an API plant. Here he looked after the production GMP alongside health and safety. He also gained experience at Quorn foods, working on production lines before moving to fuel testing laboratory VISWA as a quality lab technician. Following this, Chaitanya worked at Univar Solutions as a material safety data analyst.

His key area of expertise lies in understanding and managing production, maintaining quality health and safety and following or writing SOPs.

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Lewis Olden

Lead Process Engineer

Chaitanya completed his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering at R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering and completed his Master’s in Chemical Engineering at Teesside University.

Prior to joining Cannacares, he acquired prior experience in Divis Laboratories in India, at an API plant. Here he looked after the production GMP alongside health and safety. He also gained experience at Quorn foods, working on production lines before moving to fuel testing laboratory VISWA as a quality lab technician. Following this, Chaitanya worked at Univar Solutions as a material safety data analyst.

His key area of expertise lies in understanding and managing production, maintaining quality health and safety and following or writing SOPs.

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Alex Harber

Head of SEO

Chaitanya completed his bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering at R.V.R. & J.C. College of Engineering and completed his Master’s in Chemical Engineering at Teesside University.

Prior to joining Cannacares, he acquired prior experience in Divis Laboratories in India, at an API plant. Here he looked after the production GMP alongside health and safety. He also gained experience at Quorn foods, working on production lines before moving to fuel testing laboratory VISWA as a quality lab technician. Following this, Chaitanya worked at Univar Solutions as a material safety data analyst.

His key area of expertise lies in understanding and managing production, maintaining quality health and safety and following or writing SOPs.

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Where to Wear a CBD Patch

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CBD for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS)

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Trial Investigating the Efficacy of Treating Brain Tumours with Sativex

The first ever study in the world that intends to discover if Sativex in combination with chemotherapy can treat glioblastoma.  Several leading cancer charities and the NHS are going to investigate whether a cannabis-based mouth spray can help to treat brain tumours and enable patients to live a longer life. 

Aug 03, 2021 Lewis Olden

CBD for ADHD: Does it Work? Research, Side Effects & Considerations

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Can CBD Help Treat Parkinson’s Disease and its Symptoms?

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Jul 16, 2021 Lewis Olden

How CBD Balm can Help Psoriasis Symptoms

Millions of people around the world have to live with psoriasis as part of their daily lives. Psoriasis is an auto-immune disease, and it is chronic in its nature. Those who suffer with psoriasis often have an overactive immune system which causes skin cells to grow faster than they should. This results in the skin becoming red, scaly and extremely painful patches of skin begin to build up. The areas of skin that are impacted by psoriasis are itchy, disruptive and quite unseemly. We hope you enjoyed this article! Please use code BLOG15 at checkout to claim 15% off your order. If you would like to speak with a member of staff please do drop us a message via our live chat which can be round on the left hand side of your screen. 

Jul 14, 2021 Alex Harber

Alta Flora & Cannacares Announce Partnership to Offer Symptom Tracking for CBD Consumers

Within the burgeoning UK cannabis industry there is a tremendous need to build both clinical and real-world evidence to support the efficacy of cannabinoid treatments. Existing cannabis-based medications offer little intellectual property protection due to the difficulty of patenting a specific indication of cannabis. The device used to administer the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) is the only protection cannabis and pharmaceutical companies can have. Therefore, undertaking a clinical trial with a medication that cannot be patented and can be easily copied, does not make for an attractive proposition for companies in the cannabis space.

Jul 09, 2021 Lewis Olden